
I'm a long time internet resident, with web sites dating back to 1993. I graduated from Virginia Tech with several degrees in computer science. My areas of specialty are bioinformatics, data mining, text mining, machine learning, artificial intelligence, algorithms, statistics, and high performance computing of various sorts. These days, all of those skills add up to what is now being called data science, which is probably the best overall description of what I like to do.

I am currently the Director of Automation and Data Engineering at PacBio where I work on a telemetry system collecting performance data from PacBio's installed fleet of instruments. We are actively transforming the system from an on-premise Elasticsearch based solution with a custom React to a cloud-based solution using Snowflake. The system is used by technical support, commercial and several R&D teams.

Previously, I was the Senior Director of Computational Sciences and Engineering at Inscripta. We developed a platform for large scale CRISPR-based gene editing in e. coli and yeast. I led a team of up to 20 members involved in bioinformatics, statistics, data science, computational biology, computational modeling, and distributed system development in support of internal and external development needs. We primarily used Python, Snakemake, HTCondor and several supporting packages to build our tools.

I was a Consultant Technologist of Data Science (Senior Principal Data Scientist) at DellEMC in the Office of the CTO for Data Protection. There I helped develop a microservices platform for drive health and utility billing using Docker. I contributed to the overall architecture design, and developed services and tasks for analytics using R, Java, Spring, Hadoop and other big data related technologies. I worked with a small team in Santa Clara, a larger team in Shanghai, and several teams throughout Dell EMC.

I was also the Director of Bioinformatics at Ariosa Diagnostics where I managed a few exceptional team members, programmed a lot in C# and R, and developed algorithms to analyze data for non-invasive prenatal tests.

I led an academic life for a while on the faculty at Marquette University in the Department of Mathematics, Statistics, and Computer Science from 2001 through 2011. At Marquette, I mentored several wonderful students, had outstanding faculty peers, and the freedom to explore data science. I've also spent some time working at Virginia Tech, Sun Microsystems, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, and Bell Northern Research/Northern Telecom.

In my spare time, I have fun with family and friends, watch my son play soccer, watch my daughter dance, and go sailing. Living in California has taught me to appreciate wine, basketball, hockey, and baseball. I still love beer, cheese, and the Green Bay Packers from my time living in Milwaukee, WI.

If you look hard enough, you can find me on Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn. I'm not a prolific updater, but I lurk a bit.